Reiki - İnci Yaşar
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Everything is energy. Our bodies are also naturally energetic. While our bones resonate at lower frequencies, our blood, thoughts vibrates at higher frequencies. This magnetic force is known as bio-magnetic field. This energy has been studied by different cultures all over the world and is called Qi by the Chinese, Ki by the Japanese and Koreans, Ka by the ancient Egyptians, Prana by the Indians, and Kawsay Pacha by the Peruvian Indians, etc. Today, science calls it cosmic energy, bio-electricity, bio-energy, Force etc..

This energy is the energy or natural force that fills the universe, it defines the life energy that permeates and surrounds everything. We humans understand this energy more with our feelings and the best and the easiest way to feel the life energy is our hands.

This energy nourishes our bodies and helps every cell in our body divide and become trillions of cells. Science has confirmed the existence of this energy, and it was possible to record it visually with tools such as Kirlian photography developed in the late 1930s.

Reiki is a refined aspect of this energy that vibrates at a higher frequency. It flows directly from the source, from the center of the universe, from the higher consciousness of the universe to our higher consciousness.



Reiki is a Japanese word and is pronounced (Ray Ki) and often translated as universal life force energy, but also means ‘spiritual energy’. Rei means ‘holy’, ‘soul’ or ‘wisdom and knowledge of the entire universe’ and Ki means life energy.

After many years of study and meditation, it was developed by Dr. Mikao Usui (1865-1926).

Reiki is often called intelligent healing energy. It is a safe, gentle healing method, a holistic system that uses spiritual energy.

It has an extremely calming effect. Many have reported miraculous results.

It is widely accepted that Reiki healing can be given and received equally effectively through hand-to-hand or distance healing.


It is one of the most important ethical rules of Reiki not to give Reiki to anyone without permission.

Reiki is given fully clothed in a quiet environment and is safe for adults, children, expectant mothers, babies and animals. However, in the case of animals with health problems, owners should confirm that the animal has been seen by a veterinarian for diagnosis. Reiki practitioners should not diagnose a health problem.

This miraculous life energy flows from the hands of the therapist into the client’s aura and the physical body, and is not necessary to touch the physical body, and therefore distance healing is possible. By balancing and harmonizing the chakras, it heals the whole person, the physical body, mind, emotions, feelings and spirit. It also contributes to personal and spiritual awareness and development.

We are all born with the power to heal ourselves. In the distant past, our ancestors had an innate wisdom that they used to heal themselves. Over time, we lost the ability to see within as our focus shifted to what was outside of us. Compared to our own personal energy, Reiki is the energy that connects our higher self to everything else around us. Reiki is not only a tool for physical healing, but also a tool for mental and spiritual growth. When Dr. Usui first formalized Reiki, he intended it to be a tool for spiritual growth. Physical improvement was also seen over time as a side effect of increased self-awareness.


Scientific research findings can help us understand how Reiki healing works.

Reiki supports orthodox medicine or can be used alone, but does not replace traditional medicine or treatments. It is not based on any belief, religious faith or recommendation, but scientific research using quantum physics is starting to help us understand how Reiki healing can benefit the individual.

When a Reiki practitioner performs a healing session, the energy emanating from their hands is in the 7-10 Hz-Theta and Alpha range. This is much more than someone who is not a healer. These frequencies are associated with physical healing. In the coming years, it is predicted that the energy emanating from the hands of the practitioner will be scientifically measurable and healing based on this energy will develop more and more.

It has been found that while giving Reiki, practitioners emit electromagnetic or bio-magnetic energy from their hands. The frequencies of the radiated energy change from one moment to the next; however, research by medical researchers so far has observed that optimum frequencies are emitted to stimulate the healing process in tissues, bones and other body parts.

Bio-magnetic energy (or field) flowing through a practitioner’s hands has been shown to induce current flows in the tissues and cells of nearby individuals, but this vibratory energy cannot be produced by those who are not practitioners of energy healing techniques.


What distinguishes Reiki from other types of therapy is the initiation that the practitioner receives. These initiations open channels in the individual so that they are in direct contact with the universal life force. After an initiation these channels are open forever.

Reiki does not create new abilities in a practitioner, but rather reveals abilities they already have. Like plugging a lamp into an already powered outlet, Reiki helps the practitioner connect with the higher consciousness of the universe.

In a Reiki session, the energy drawn by the client is done through the hands of the practitioners. The energy will go where it is needed and determined by the body-mind of the client.

When a person receives Reiki energy, the body-mind of the receiver will become aware of the energy that is not serving them. The practitioner does not decide what needs to be released or when, the body-mind wisdom of the client does. The practitioner keeps time and space for the client’s body-mind so that they can see the possibilities and heal themselves. When the body-mind decides what to focus on, it can release the unhealthy energies that have accumulated in the cell dimension for balance and healing.

Whether you’re looking for relief from mental stress, energy level balance, physical healing or spiritual enhancement, Reiki has endless effects.

What many people enjoy most about Reiki is that it helps them simply ‘be’. It creates absolute relaxation where the client can clear their mind and relieve the anxiety and stress of the day. The energy flow of Reiki will help individuals feel calm, relaxed and lighter, helping them to be in harmony with their inner selves and to focus clearly on their lives.

Satisfaction, relaxation, reduction in feelings of stress, fear, and anxiety, as well as the reduction and, in some cases, elimination of physical ailments and persistent ailments, are common observations by clients after a Reiki session.


Reiki (Universal Life Force Energy) teaches us that we are more than just our physical bodies. Remote Reiki sessions work because energy is not limited by distance. Distance is only a physical limitation, so sessions can be held without the client physically present. We are all energetically connected to each other because we are all energy and part of a greater whole.

A distant healing session can be done in a number of ways. The distant Reiki symbol unites the Reiki practitioner and client in a sacred healing space.

You don’t need to do anything special to receive remote Reiki healing, but it’s best to lie down if possible. The recipient and healer can agree on a time in advance, and the recipient simply needs to sit or lie down for the specified time (usually about half an hour).

The effects of distance healing are practically no different from applied healing. An experienced Reiki healer (level II or higher) can send healing energy to anyone anywhere in the world, no matter how far from the healer.

The energy transfers in a distant session are powerful, as if they were obtained directly with the hands. Distant healings are ideal for those who do not live within a reasonable distance from a practitioner, who do not have the ability to commute to a healer’s Office. Those who want to receive a Reiki healing session do not need to suffer from any disease to benefit from the session. Sessions can help keep energy channels open and reduce the chance of illness due to blocked Chakras. You can also order remote healing for your loved ones by asking permission from them.


Reiki is passed from Master to student through initiation with special ceremonies. It is important that the line/chain that is received is clean and it should reach to Dr. Usui, the founder of Reiki.

There are 3 steps in Reiki. In the first stage, the individual can heal themselves and those who are physically close. In the first stage, it is recommended that the individual heal themselves for a certain period of time. In the 2nd stage, the symbols are entered and mastering takes place at the third level.

There are 4 symbols in total. The Japanese call the third symbol the connection symbol. It means connection. This miraculous symbol transcends the boundaries of space and time and brings it to the present and here. It acts as a kind of bridge and time machine. It allows you to connect everywhere and everything. It allows us to connect and send healing to the next room, to other continents, and even to space, and to the past and future.


It is one of the most important ethical rules of Reiki not to give Reiki to anyone without permission.

Reiki is given fully clothed in a quiet environment and is safe for adults, children, expectant mothers, babies and animals. However, in the case of animals with health problems, owners should confirm that the animal has been seen by a veterinarian for diagnosis. Reiki practitioners should not diagnose a health problem.

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